maandag 28 februari 2011

Social Media Manager?

Hmm, looks like my behaviour is a lot like that of a social media manager according to this infograph. How about you?


donderdag 24 februari 2011

Map of the world, drawn by Facebook connections!

I recentlu stumbled upon this amazing picture which shows a map of the world, which is drawn purely based on facebook connections. It's nice to see how Facebook has users spread all over the world, but also how they are connected. Well, see it for yourself! Enjoy.

Fullsize image: here

maandag 21 februari 2011

How do we use our mobile devices?

How do we use our mobile device? Here's an interesting infograph about how we world-wide use our mobile devices.


Or read the article here

vrijdag 18 februari 2011

What's the deal with Bloggers?

Found this interesting infograph about bloggers and their age here.


donderdag 17 februari 2011

My scepticism has gone...

Yes, also I was sceptic about the use of social media. But scepticism can change into something positive. All you've got to do is open your mind and try it for yourself. It's so easy to stand at the sideline and give your opinion about something without tyring it for yourself. An opinion based on stories of other people or a quick look at a website such as Twitter of Facebook is for the most people a confirmation of their (negative) thoughts.

"Look at that, why should I share that I'm stuck in traffic", "You only have got 140 characters to type your message, that's not useful". Yeah, yeah, very understanable, but those people should realise that maybe they aren't the group of people for whom those new media is designed.

I should say, at first I was a little sceptic about usign social media too. I am using Facebook for a while and I recently started using Twitter. And I can say that my scepticism is gone with the wind! Social media is so easy and informative when you are using it right! It's not also very fun (my first reason to start with social media), I find it very useful and interesting! Lately I'm more and more into social media and I'm reading e-books, whitepapers and follow several tweets from social media 'experts'. I found that in a short period of time my knowledge has grown exponential. Thanks to social media!

But where am I going with this argument? Well, I just want to say to those people who convict social media before even trying to use it, think a little further! I did, and it helped! Further than that, no hard feelings...

maandag 14 februari 2011

Facebook vs Twitter

An interesting graphic comparing facebook and twitter based on demographic statistics.


Facebook Marketing

While surfing on the internet, searching for interesting information about social media and marketing, I found this presentation about Facebook 'marketing'. A presentation about how you can get the peoples interest for your brand by using some simple techniques! Enjoy..

donderdag 10 februari 2011

Yeah Blogger!

Allright, I confess. Even now the hype of conventional blogging is over and the social/mini blog has conquered the world, I am starting an 'old fashioned' blog.

But why? why do I? (well, that's a short poem) I do, because I have to! (hell yeah, I'm getting good at this!)

Why do I have to? Because internet is the/our future. And I like internet/web/online development. Sure, I subscribed to Blogger two years ago. That was as a study assignment (more about my study @ ). We had to make a comparison between Blogger and WordPress.

I remembered that back in that day, I found that Blogger was the more user-friendly way of blogging. I also remembered that WordPress had some more functionality when it comes to HTML and CSS programming, but now I found that Blogger has improved and that HTML and CSS editing is posible!

Sure, it may have this functionality for quite a while, but I found out now! Better late than never I should say.

But I'm certain that me starting blogging now is better for you guy's to! I'm a little older, I'm a more developed person, and wisdom comes with ages. Meaning: I have saved you from the crap I probably would have put on the internet a few years ago!

Well, see you next time and thanks for reading!
